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THE SCALLOP: Reflections on the Journey

One Tired Sheep

Photo: Eprodicals.com
He is like a shepherd feeding his flock,
gathering lambs in his arms,
holding them against his breast
and leading to their rest the mother ewes. Is 40, 11

Tonight I came home from work hoping to write an encouraging or inspirational blog since I couldn't put one together this morning. I pulled up today's Mass readings, readings for the Liturgy of the Hours, and information on the saint whose feast we celebrate today: Saint Ambrose.

Good material, all of it, but I am not up for the task. Instead I identify with the mother ewes in the first reading who must have been completely exhausted. Isaiah doesn't say much about the mother ewes other than Jesus led them to their rest. Having raised three children I can identify with them. Children, blessing that they are, wear you out. "Physically, when you are younger," a theology prof once shared with me, "and emotionally when they are older."

Either way, the mother ends up worn out. Even though my weariness is not child related today,I am still one tired sheep. Read More 
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